Hello, my name is Rosa, and I am the founder of Diamond Painting Shoppe, LLC. I started this company with my sister and mother to offer a creative beneficial and meaningful craft to DIY creators around the world. In 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic our oldest sister succumbed to the illness and passed away very quickly. It was very difficult for mom to deal with the pain of losing a child. Like many around the world everyone had to find ways of dealing with this unconceivable pandemic. We looked for ways to help mom cope and heal while keeping safe at home. We heard about how diamond painting provides an avenue to create and provides comfort. We bought our mother her first diamond painting in June 2020, and she immediately became addicted to this newfound hobby. She found this craft to be relaxing and enjoyable.

After witnessing how much diamond art painting helped our mother, we decided to share these wonderful benefits of this craft with as many people. Mom will be 102 years old on November 1st, 2021, and has completed twelve diamond paintings. She often said that if she were young enough, she would embark on opening her own store and this is where our journey began.
We spent the past year searching for artwork to Legally License and selecting the manufacturer to produce our diamond painting kits. Our Short Lint Custom Canvas is produced by a leading manufacturer in China. Each canvas is meticulously hand-charted by specialized designers and the final product is expertly manufactured with the highest quality materials to produce our Diamond Art Painting kits. Mom is our creative managing partner helping with selections of the artworks that will become Diamond Art Paintings for you to create and enjoy!
I’ve worked with many artists throughout my career as the director of the very popular South Miami Arts Festival and as Director of a non-profit creative arts center “Art South” in Homestead Florida. Working alongside very talented artist was the most rewarding and ultimate experience of my life. I am extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to work with talented artist once again from around the world to create our Diamond Art Paintings. We strive to offer you the highest quality and extraordinary art in every Diamond Art Painting Kit we manufacture. Please join our worldwide community, meet friends, and share your work in progress with other diamond painting crafting members.
- Diamond Painting Shoppe founder Rosa Brito